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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the booking process take? What methods of payment accepted? Can I use more than one payment method to pay for a reservation? And more.

None – zero – zilch – nada. We simply act in many ways like Craigslist. We do the hosting, help you advertise, and make the introduction between traveler and host and leave the rest to you.

There are numerous differences when you list with us. To begin with, listings on Craigslist expire every 45 days – ours does not. As long as your subscription is valid your listing will remain active. There are additional differences such as SMS notifications, iCal with rates, invoicing, and much more.

Currently, the restriction on the amount of listings for one property are set at 50

As long as the restrictions are legally valid (no restrictions are allowed on this site against race, religion or gender) you are in charge. From start to finish you are in control of renting out your property, collecting deposits, balance, key codes, etc. We simply introduce the travelers to you and let you handle the rest.

Seasonal rates and minimum nights are easily set through our site. For clients who subscribe to Reservation Key this can likewise be achieved easily.

You can reach us either through phone 417 230 0717 or via email We strive for customer service and will do our absolute best to assist within 24 hours – 7 days a week.

For 30 bucks a year?!? That’s barely 8 cents a day! But honestly, if you truly and absolutely hate our service and the price we charge – email us. We will gladly and politely refund your subscription without hesitation. We are in this venture to succeed and need to ensure owners are happy with our service. 

It does – direct from their site is a 30 day free trial. We think you will like their product so much that we will double that free trial period and add an additional month free of charge!

Absolutely (Although we are not sure why you would) you are free to continue listing with all of the other sites you are currently working with. The difference is this – if a traveler books your property through our website your profit margin is significantly higher as well as your guests’ savings. 

iCal links are simply professional courtesy. Nothing will frustrate our visitors more than finding listings that show available when in fact they are not. This is common when an owner is listed on multiple sites and only pays attention to the “Big 3”. Yes, you have to cover your bases – but we expect our visitors to get equal treatment, that’s all. Having an iCal feed helps to ensure that availability = vacancy = booking requests.

Great service. Exceptional rentals. Direct Bookings.

None – zero – zilch – nada. We simply act in many ways like Craigslist. We do the hosting, help you advertise, and make the introduction between traveler and host and leave the rest to you.

There are numerous differences when you list with us. To begin with, listings on Craigslist expire every 45 days – ours does not. As long as your subscription is valid your listing will remain active. There are additional differences such as SMS notification, iCal with rates, invoicing and much more.

Currently, the restriction on the amount of listings for one property are set at 50

As long as the restrictions are legally valid (no restrictions are allowed on this site against race, religion or gender) you are in charge. From start to finish you are in control of renting out your property, collecting deposits, balance, key codes, etc. We simply introduce the travelers to you and let you handle the rest.

Seasonal rates and minimum nights are easily set through our site. For clients who subscribe to Reservation Key this can likewise be achieved easily.

You can reach us either through phone 417 230 0717 or via email We strive for customer service and will do our absolute best to assist within 24 hours – 7 days a week.

For 30 bucks a year?!? That’s barely 8 cents a day! But honestly, if you truly and absolutely hate our service and the price we charge – email us. We will gladly and politely refund your subscription without hesitation. We are in this venture to succeed and need to ensure owners are happy with our service. 

It does – direct from their site is a 30 day free trial. We think you will like their product so much that we will double that free trial period and add an additional month free of charge!

Absolutely (Although we are not sure why you would) you are free to continue listing with all of the other sites you are currently working with. The difference is this – if a traveler books your property through our website your profit margin is significantly higher as well as your guests’ savings. 

iCal links are simply professional courtesy. Nothing will frustrate our visitors more than finding listings that show available when in fact they are not. This is common when an owner is listed on multiple sites and only pays attention to the “Big 3”. Yes, you have to cover your bases – but we expect our visitors to get equal treatment, that’s all. Having an iCal feed helps to ensure that availability = vacancy = booking requests.